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Kerri Walsh Jennings' Power-Packed Workout for Volleyball Players

Kerri Walsh Jennings

Kerri Walsh Jennings is the Michael Hashemite kingdom of jordan of beach volleyball. Like MJ, the towering 6-foot-three California native is considered by many to be her sport'southward greatest histrion of all time. As if her back-to-back-to-back Olympic gold medals have not already confirmed this opinion, Walsh Jennings recently scored her 67th career victory on the AVP tour, setting a new record for wins by a adult female—she had previously been tied with her long-fourth dimension partner, Misty May-Treanor.

RELATED:  Kerri Walsh Jennings' Daily Fueling Schedule

May-Treanor retired afterwards the 2012 London Games, just Walsh Jennings has continued on a different track—the 400-meter one. With support from ASICS, her new sponsor, she is incorporating more running into her grooming to improve her game in pursuit of an Olympic four-peat with new partner and London silver medalist April Ross at the 2016 Summer Games in Rio de Janeiro.

STACK defenseless up with the 35-year-old star to learn more about her gold medal program.

STACK: Volleyball players rarely run more than than a few steps in a game. What made you add running to your fettle regimen?

Kerri Walsh Jennings: The only running I'd done before had been on the beach. This year, I wanted to do something different. I desire to challenge my body and remind information technology how to motion freely on different platforms—on the grass, on the sand, in the gym and on the track.

STACK: What does your track workout look similar?

Kerri Walsh Jennings:I meet my track coach at this great track almost my house in Manhattan Embankment for an hour once a week. Nosotros piece of work on building my strength, agility and step and so that I can motion like a gazelle in sand. Mostly, I run a lap or two to warm upwards, exercise carioca and bounding in the grass, then run up stadium stairs. Then nosotros head to the field and do sprints for 50 yards, then 100 yards and then on.

RELATED: How Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh Prepare for the Olympics

STACK: Sounds tough. Do you actually like running?

Kerri Walsh Jennings:I don't beloved running, to exist honest. It has always been a claiming for me. Simply I love the liberty and strength I get from it, so it's a existent labor of love. For me, running is empowering. It helps me work on my muscles, lung capacity and cardio. My trunk is responding well so far. I experience more certain-footed and stable in my movements when I play. I feel more dynamic and light when I push off, too.

STACK: Cantankerous-grooming is clutch, isn't information technology?

Kerri Walsh Jennings:Absolutely! We need to challenge our bodies. If y'all only practise one sport all yr, you're going to have major overuse bug. I want to be the best athlete in the earth. In order to exercise that, I need to exist a hybrid. I need to be potent and fast. Cantankerous-preparation is huge. We need to scream this bulletin from the rooftops.

RELATED: Suffering from Burnout? Athletic Benefits of Cross Training

Harness Your Power

Later on running a lap or two to warm upward, Walsh Jennings uses this track workout from Michelle Lovitt, a trainer who helps develop forcefulness and conditioning programs for ASICS-sponsored athletic events, such as the ASICS World Series of Beach Volleyball.

Dynamic Warm-up

Commencement with Hurdle Walks, leading with the correct leg for 10 hurdles, and so returning on the left for x hurdles. From in that location, complete 10 Hurdle Over-Unders on each leg. Next, do 10 yards, down and back, of the following:

A-Skips. A quick basic skip, alternate legs and driving your knees to your chest. Continue your feet flexed throughout the movement.

A-Skips to Lunges. Same as A-Skips, but drop into a deep Lunge when you land. From the lunge position, drive your back leg to your chest, then land in a Lunge.

B-Skips. Aforementioned as A-Skips, except when you drive your genu to your chest, kick the same leg out as fast as possible. Lower and repeat on your opposite leg.

Lunges with Twist. Standing with your feet hip-width apart, lunge with your right leg and twist your torso to the right. Return to center, and then repeat to the left.

Carioca. Cantankerous your left foot in front of your right foot, moving to the right. Step to the right with your right foot and place your left human foot behind information technology. Continue to cross-stride in that pattern, so reverse dorsum to the showtime.

Side Shuffle. Push off with your left foot and move to the right, landing on your correct human foot and bringing your left foot to run across it. Continue to move chop-chop to the correct, and then contrary direction back to the commencement.

The Workout

Perform the following exercises in order:

  1. Harness Sprints – x reps x 10 yards.
  2. Lateral Harness Single-Leg Drive Across Torso – 1 x 10 yards.
  3. Lateral Harness Sprints, focusing on high knees, both sides – 1 x v reps.
  4. Face up-Down Sprints – 1 ten 5 right leg, 1 x 5 left leg.
  5. Lunges – 4 x 30 effectually the track. Walk for thirty seconds to recover betwixt sets.

Plyometric Training

Quick Jumps. Standing in a "blocking" position with your feet shoulder-width apart and easily held overhead, perform 10 fast jumps in a row. Use a goal post as a reference to measure out the height of your jumps. Exercise three sets for speed.

Tuck Jumps. Standing with your anxiety and knees together, leap off the ground, bringing your knees a quarter of the way upwards to your chest. Always land softly on the balls of your anxiety. Do three reps, and so immediately jump again, this time thrusting your knees halfway up to your chest. Practice three reps. Finally, jump once more, driving your knees up to your chest and jumping for acme. Exercise 3 reps. Balance for xxx seconds, then repeat for a total of 4 sets.

Skaters. With your chest lifted, spring off your left pes to the right as far as you can, landing softly with your right human knee bent. Then spring off your right foot to the left as far as possible. Alternate for 30 seconds. Perform 2 sets, resting ane minute between sets. So repeat the move, focusing on pinnacle (try to get 2 to iii feet off the ground) rather than distance. Alternate legs for 30 seconds. Do two sets, resting for i minute between sets.

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